Chat Live! - Sean Kinney
May 6th, 1998
Moderator - Hi! This is Al Adinolfi at Boom Theory in Seattle on behalf
of everyone here, we
want to welcome you to Sean's Chat Live! Kinney-san will be linking with
us in about half an hour! In
the meantime, have a great time!
shannie - I cannot wait to see the concert!
Nona Weisbaum - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible;
MSIE 3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 3.1) on Wed May
6 6:10pm PT)
Social Parasite - Mark is cool...
Nona Weisbaum - Heya!
Sabian - Does anyone else play the drums?
shannie - hey Nona
Rock - up
Melting Mirror Smile - Sabian... yes.
discothyc - i think it will be pretty good,i like the screaming trees
too so i can't see why i won't.
Rock - i do sabian
marrra - logged on. - from 194.213 using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) on
Wed May 6 6:12pm PT)
discothyc - So social,what do you think,will the disinformation cd be
any good?
Sabian - To the drummers: Who are your favorite drummers (besides Jerry)
Sean - logged on. - from 166.55 using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE
4.01; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:13pm PT)
Social Parasite - Well, either way, I'm going to be at the music store
at Midnight buying it. :)
discothyc - i also read that Mark Lanagian has his 3rd solo cd coming
out soon
discothyc - Same here
Moderator - You know, Al lied... Sean is now online with us!!!
Rock - i like bill ward and jimmy chamberlain
Social Parasite - It should be cool, but I wanna hear Layne every now
and then.
Moderator - Let's get this Chat rolling!
Sean Kinney - Hello!
Moderator - Heeere's Sean!!!!!
Melting Mirror Smile - Sabian... Danny Carey or Matt Cameron... altough
Barrett Martin is a
badass as well..
Social Parasite - Hey, what's up!!
Arashiken - hi
shannie - hi Sean!
sydie - hi sean, how is Hawaii?
Polly Rhythm - Hi Sean... are you TAN now???
discothyc - yeah,he's got to have something coming out in the near
future.At least i hope so.
Sean Kinney - sydie...It's nice, kinda' raining on and off.
Sabian - What up Sean?
Social Parasite - I bet it's too windy... :)
discothyc - Hey Sean
Sabian - Sean, did you change your set-up any for Lane's album
shannie - what ever happened to May flowers
sydie - Way back in Irvine,Ca in 1993 I met you and you gave me a
snickers. I still have it!
LayneNugget - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible;
MSIE 3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 3.1) on Wed May 6
6:17pm PT)
Social Parasite - Someday I see one of AIC in person...
LayneNugget - Hello?
Sean Kinney - sabian...Layne's not making an album that I know of but I
did use different set ups
on Jerry's record.
discothyc - Sean,i saw you guys play in Buffalo N.Y. back in 92 opening
for Ozzy.Iread that you
guys went to the Continenel bar after the show.Did you like it? If you
Melting Mirror Smile - Hey Sean, guess what song I am listenig to at the
Rock - o
Sabian - I got my artists mixed up, sorry
Melting Mirror Smile - Stairway To Heaven!
Sickgirl - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:18pm PT)
Nona Weisbaum - This chat is so different from AOL...
Sean Kinney - sydie...Eat it or I want it back.
Social Parasite - So what drummers do you like/respect, Sean?
Sabian - Did you change it drum wise, cymbal wise or both
Sean Kinney - discothyc...We've been in a lot of bars.
ToxiC - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:19pm
Polly Rhythm - What are ya eating over there in Hawaii?? Did you have
any Saimin or Lau Lau?
ToxiC - hey sean!
shannie - Sean when the tour comes to Nashville why don't you stop by
for a drink!
Sickgirl - Umm....testing testing
Social Parasite - I'd buy you a beer if you ever stop by Dearborn, MI.
Sean Kinney - socialparasite...Anybody who plays
B1ister - logged on. - from 204.112 using Mozilla/4.01 [en] (Win95; I)
on Wed May 6 6:20pm PT)
Sean Kinney - sabian...Both
sydie - I'll bring it to you in Hawaii- but it's smooshed. Do you need
some beer or gatorade to wash
it down?
LayneNugget - how ya doin seanie?
Sabian - What were the cymbals that you used (especially the ride)
shannie - Socialparasite - we know Sean's favorite drink is water
Sean Kinney - polly...Just bowls of poi, vats of poi.
Sickgirl - Testing...
Rock - hey sean what are your plans for after the tour?
Sean Kinney - shannie...When are we going to be in Nashville?
shannie - July 24th
discothyc - Sean,who makes those fabulous christmass cards we get from
the fan club every so
Sean Kinney - sabian...19 to a 22 heavy AAs.
Sabian - Who is your all time favorite drummer
BoggyAlice - Did you beat Al in that arm wrestling match when you were
there last???
Social Parasite - He won't tell us...
shannie - you wouldn't happen to know anybody - say in the band - that
could get me
ToxiC - Sean, you once said this: "Hate those guys. We hate each other.
Sometimes we'll get in our
big cadillacs and do drive-bys on eachother's houses. We're like rival
gangs." Sean On Soundgarden
Matt Cameron, in response, said this -- "He's jealous because
Soundgarden could always beat up
Alice In Chains musically and physically."....what do you have to say
Spam - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:23pm PT)
BoggyAlice - How big are your arms???
Sean Kinney - sabian...God
LayneNugget - Sean, you playin any clubs on your free days during this
Spam - hey sean!!
Cronky - logged on. - from 203.28 using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I
;Nav) on Wed May 6 6:23pm PT)
Rock - ok
Sean Kinney - boggy...Ripped his arm clean off.
Sabian - Come visit me in D.C when you play with Metallica
shannie - Did you take your monkey to Hawaii?
Spam - i made a site for you. it's at you
guys and you sean should check
it out
Cronky - Sean, I want to hear the answer to ToxiC's question too!
Rock - hey sean what are your plans after the tour?
Social Parasite - Yeah, me too.
Sean Kinney - toxic...What Soundgarden? They don't exist.
Sean Kinney - boggy...27" pythons
B1ister - sean - will you be getting audience members to play drum solos
on the Jerry tour?
Sean Kinney - layne...probably.
sydie - Sean I was just wondering, why do you stand up when you hit the
cymbals in "bleed the
BAMA - logged on. - from 12.6 using Mozilla/3.01C-KIT (Win95; U) on Wed
May 6 6:25pm PT)
ToxiC - I guess you must have said that when they didnt break up
yet...and Matt Cameron said
that you remember saying that?
Polly Rhythm - What do you think about female drummers?
Sean Kinney - shannie...Of course!
Sabian - Yeah, Blister I'm playing the one in D.C
discothyc - Sean,do you guys like monty python at all?
Nona Weisbaum - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible;
MSIE 3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 3.1) on Wed May
6 6:26pm PT)
Melting Mirror Smile - Sean, so have you already decided on who's gonna
be in your touring
Sickgirl - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:26pm PT)
Social Parasite - Is there really a chance of a Jerry Cantrell only
BAMA - What is Layne doing these days?
Spam - anybody check out my site?? once again, it needs some work, i
LayneNugget - MERLE HAGGARD!!!
Cronky - Sean - Do you AICs song 'Right Turn' much?
Sherry - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6
6:27pm PT)
shannie - Of course, was that the reply to my 1st or 2nd question?
Sean Kinney - polly...I think female drummers are great. I think there
should more of them.
Nona Weisbaum - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible;
MSIE 3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 3.1) on Wed May
6 6:28pm PT)
Sean Kinney - disco...Yes, I can't wait to see "Fear & Loathing in Las
Polly Rhythm - Sean, I want to get some new drums, and I ran across this
web site because of
your chat. How ARE these spacemuffin drums? Should I get them?
Sean Kinney - social...Yeah, we're touring this summer with Metallica
and Days of the New.
BAMA - Would you rather play a small venue or a huge venue?
Rock - sean what are you gonna do when the tour is over?
Rock - sean what are you gonna do when the tour is over?
discothyc - What's your favorite Monty python film?
Sean Kinney - cronky...No, only once in the studio and never again.
Sherry - hey sean--you are the awesomest drummer, just thought i would
tell ya that. I am excited
to see you and Jerry in August in San Francisco
Spam - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:29pm PT)
Sabian - What splash cymbals do you use
Rock - oops said that twice, sorry
zamsky - logged on. - from 209.214 using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) on
Wed May 6 6:29pm PT)
Nona Weisbaum - If you could be any animal, what would you be?
shannie - I would just like to thank you for changing my life.
LayneNugget - Agh, why does everything have to give me such a
Social Parasite - Sean-I know about the Metallica/DOTN gig. How about
something without
Metallica, so I can get tickets! :)
BAMA - What is your favorite new band?
Sean Kinney - polly...Yes, they're great. Try the electro-acoustic ones
- X-Series.
martin andér - logged on. - from 130.244 using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95;
I ;Nav) on Wed May 6 6:30pm PT)
Sean Kinney - bama...I like small ones better, they're more intimate.
Cronky - logged off. - from 203.28 using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I
;Nav) on Wed May 6 6:30pm PT)
Polly Rhythm - Thanks Sean! wow.... I'm talking to Sean Kinney!! cool!
Rock - i wouldn't want to be an animal, i'd want to be MUD
Sean Kinney - disco...It's gotta' be the "Holy Grail"
sydie - Sean, I really need to know why you stand up during "bleed the
freak" I have wondered for
ToxiC - Here's a good question!...was it your idea, Jerry's idea, or
both to use quintuple meter on
the chorus of "Keep the Light On"..?
martin andér - hey sean! there's this one thing we HAVE to get sorted
Social Parasite - Yeah, smaller is better in terms of a tour. So, when
are you going to do a small
marrra - Sean... What are you listening to right now?
Sean Kinney - sabian...Various 8s, 10s, AAs
shannie - I have to take this moment to thank Sean for changing my life.
BAMA - I'm a new AIC fan. Why is AIC on hiatus?
BoggyAlice - ***>>>SEAN<<<*** Who is your Favorite drummer?
martin andér - sean>> earlier today, someone asked matt cameron if he
was friends with you.
the guy also mentioned that you once said (about soundgarden): "hate
those guys. we hate each
other. sometimes we'll get in our big cadillacs and do drive-bys on each
other's houses. we're like
rival gangs." and matt answered: "he's (you are) jealous because
soundgarden could always beat up
alice in chains musically and physically." what's up with that? surely
you, of all guys, must be able to
kick that little skinny guy's ass? :-)
Sabian - Who is your favorite "new " drummer
Nona Weisbaum - I'd probably be a goat. No one messes with goats. - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0
(compatible; MSIE 3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed
May 6 6:32pm PT)
Sean Kinney - sydie...Why not stand up.
marrra - Sean... Besides working on JC's solo album, what have you been
up lately?
discothyc - What else could it be but holy grail,i see your a man of the
finer arts like myself!
sickgirl - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:32pm PT)
Rock - press
Sean Kinney - toxic...Mine.
Sabian - What drums did you use on the Jerry album
marrra - Sean... How do you feel about Matt Cameron calling Boggy Depot
*business as usual*?
B1ister - Sean - there are no Jerry tour dates scheduled for most of
August.. is that Break Time or
are more dates being scheduled?
Sean Kinney - social...No plans yet but I think we'll be playing some
smaller clubs along the way.
marrra - Sean... do you consider rock (& pop) business, art or
LayneNugget - Hey Sean! What do you think of inflatable furnature?
Sean Kinney - sabian...Satan is my favorite drummer.
BoggyAlice - What do you think of Lars??? Do you even WANT to tour with
marrra - Sean... can u tell us about the most weird performance u ever
sydie - you've gotta show off those sexy pecs huh?!!! not that any of us
Sherry - what is your favorite song on Jerry's new album?
Social Parasite - Yeah, I hope you guys do some smaller shows. I really
want to see you live
before I die.
Sabian - Is God your favorite Bass player
Sean Kinney - sabian...My nephew.
Spam - logged on. - from 205.188 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:34pm PT)
Sean Kinney - He's 3
shannie - is Layne ok?
sickgirl - hello?
martin andér - sean>> earlier today, someone asked matt cameron if he
was friends with you.
the guy also mentioned that you once said (about soundgarden): "hate
those guys. we hate each
other. sometimes we'll get in our big cadillacs and do drive-bys on each
other's houses. we're like
rival gangs." and matt answered: "he's (you are) jealous because
soundgarden could always beat up
alice in chains musically and physically." what's up with that? surely
you, of all guys, must be able to
kick that little skinny guy's ass? :-)
Sean Kinney - martin...I already answered that one.
ToxiC - cool...did you also suggest mixed meters in Dickeye?
discothyc - Sean,what was it like do that interview cd that came out
with the self toeled album? I
laugh at some of the answers you guys gave to those questions.
Spam - my comp keeps messing up
Nona Weisbaum - Hey Sean...are you going to sing "Beth" on the tour?
lily. - logged on. - from 203.30 using Mozilla/2.0 (Win95; I; 16bit) on
Wed May 6 6:34pm PT)
Spam - so did anyone see my page?
BAMA - Did you like Mad Season music?
marrra - Sean... Are you decided on the line up for the upcoming tour?
What about the rumor that
Chris DeGarmo of Queensryche is taking over second guitar?
LayneNugget - Whos your favorite female singer Seanie?
AICRul3s - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed
May 6 6:35pm PT)
Sean Kinney - rock...Going to your house - is that cool?
martin andér - sean>> sorry... i just logged on, and can't see the first
marrra - Sean... can u tell us about the most weird performance u ever
Spam - Sean-who's your favorite band?? besides yourself, of course
LayneNugget - Hows Layne doin? Do you keep in touch with him often?
Sean Kinney - marrra...When I get back from Hawaii me & Jerry are going
to put together a
Sean Kinney - bama...Yes.
marrra - Sean... what was the biggest cultural event of your life so
Rock - um.. YEAH definatley but seriousy....
BAMA - Any chances of Chris Cornell hooking up with AIC? That would be a
decent combo!
shannie - what AIC
Sean Kinney - marrra...Earth
marrra - Sean... How do you feel about your cameo appearance in the Cut
You In vid?
Social Parasite - So then Chris DeGarmo hasn't even been considered?
Melting Mirror Smile - Sean, any new drummer jokes?...
martin andér - sean>> by the way, who won that arm wrestle match, you or
al? (assuming you
haven't already answered that one :-)
Sean Kinney - bama...No, but I jam with him all the time. He's my pal.
Rock - d
byby - logged on. - from 207.180 using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) on
Wed May 6 6:37pm PT)
marrra - Sean, for how long do you plan to continue in this business?
Sean Kinney - marrra...I liked being a Guido.
RangerRudd - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible;
MSIE 3.02; Update a; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed
May 6 6:38pm PT)
BAMA - Besides Stairway to Heaven, what do you listen to?(newer bands)
discothyc - Sean,ever get back into clowning? Iknow you had to stop when
the last album came
Rock - hey sean is aic gonna ever make another album or tour?
Sean Kinney - social...Chris has been in touch with us but we haven't
played with him yet but I'm
sure we will.
Sabian - How do you practice when you are on tour?
Spam - sean...what was your favorite album to make?
marrra - Sean... what's your take on rock press?
BoggyAlice - I snuck into the NAMM show in LA, and saw Al jamming... Do
you and Al ever
play together? (Hi Al!!!)
Sean Kinney - marrra...Til the year 2007 when I will then become a
Buddist monk.
sydie - The weather is real nice in San Diego- why don't you come and
play down here?
Sean Kinney - rock...I don't know.
Rock - ts
Sean Kinney - sabian...Playing shows.
marrra - Sean... I was wondering what do u think about Faith No
LayneNugget - why is this dumb room giving me so many problems?
RangerRudd - Hi from the land of big trees and beaver pelts are scarce!!
Sean Kinney - spam...Sergeant Peppers.
BoggyAlice - I'm just a nobody, so Al probably doesn't remember me, but
thanks for the tshirt!
lily. - any plans for the future?
marrra - Sean... what do you think was Alice In Chains best work?
martin andér - Heard backstage: "Will the musicians and the drummer
please come to the stage
Nona Weisbaum - I hate computers....I fordin' hate 'em...
Sean Kinney - sydie...I'm sure we'll be playing there.
BAMA - Would you rather play aggressive stuff(Dirt) or slow(Jar of
LayneNugget - Sean, im convinced youre ignoring me.
LayneNugget - hitting Update?
Sean Kinney - marrra...Bad.
shannie - when you are on tour where do you sleep? Bus?Hotel?
Sabian - Will you do a drum solo for me when the Metallica tour comes to
marrra - Sean... what do you think of the Rolling Stones?
Sean Kinney - boggy...We'll send you more shirts even though you're a
Spam - sean...would you say jerry is your best friend?
Nona Weisbaum - Heh, the chat just edited my cheesy.
AICRul3s - that's because they are all sick of questions about layne!
you guys should just leave
them and layne alone and let him do his thing. : ) I love them
Sean Kinney - marrra...The next record we make.
shannie - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6
6:41pm PT)
Hate to Feel - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible;
MSIE 3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:41pm
LayneNugget - Whats goin on with Jer? is there a specific reason he
cancelled that show in
Spam - dont answer if you dont want to
discothyc - Sean,what are some of your interests outside of music?
deke - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6
6:42pm PT)
LayneNugget - Whens my Fan Club stuff comming?
ToxiC - Sean, do you think that you will cut another album with Jerry
after the tour?...( mabey AIC
for that matter...)
marrra - Sean... for how long do you think you could live without
beating drums - or anything else?
BoggyAlice - Cool.... I'l email you my address!
Spam - what do you think of soundgarden? right now Down on the Upside
and Boggy Depot are
the 2 cds i listen to
BAMA - When Chains regroups, will you continue to play good music, or
will you "change with the
Hate to Feel - hello?
LayneNugget - Nobody loves me, everyone hates me.....
Sean Kinney - disco...Clowning, interpretive dance.
marrra - Sean... Do you expect any changes (both musically & overall)
with the new millenium
Rock - are you guys gonna make a new video off boggy?
Sean Kinney - layne...I'm working on it.
shannie - Layne go buy a self esteem
Sean Kinney - toxic...Yes, probably.
Hate to Feel - Ok, I just want to let everyone know that Rock is a
saint!!! Thank you!!
Sean Kinney - marrra...About a week.
martin andér - another one: Why do guitarists put drumsticks on the dash
of their car?
LayneNugget - Sean, you gettin tired of my dumb questions? i got lots
more for ya...
Sean Kinney - bama...We will not change with the times. We'll play what
we want.
Nona Weisbaum - you play any other instruments besides drums?
marrra - Sean... What was the weirdest thing you've got to know about
yourself from the media?
shannie - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6
6:44pm PT)
Sean Kinney - layne...Lighten up, put on a happy face!
GotmeWrong - logged on. - from 138.237 using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I;
16bit) on Wed May 6 6:44pm PT)
LayneNugget - i have no self-esteem!!!
Sean Kinney - rock...Most likely.
marrra - Sean... If you had three wishes, what would they be?
Melting Mirror Smile - Sean, do you have a nickname?..
LayneNugget - Awww...thanks Seanie, i love ya!!
BAMA - It may be none of my business, but are you confident that Layne
will be healthy enough
for a new Chains album in the near future?
AICRul3s - do you ever read the angry chair mailing list??
martin andér - So they can park in the handicapped spot.
sydie - I'm planning a trip to seattle in the summer-please tell me some
cool places to hang out.
Spam - hey sean i made a site all about you
LayneNugget - you dont mind me callin ya Seanie, do you?
RangerRudd - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible;
MSIE 3.02; Update a; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed
May 6 6:46pm PT)
Sean Kinney - nona...A little guitar, a little piano.
marrra - Sean... What's your opinion on the legalization of the so
called soft drugs?
Spam - cuz jerry and layne have one...
shannie - are you excited about starting the tour, since it has been so
long since the last one?
Sean Kinney - marrra...That I'm short, fat and red headed.
BoggyAlice - How does Al play his drums after you tore off his arms?
marrra - Sean... The biggest mistake of your life?
Rock - sean what song do you think you'll make a video out of next if
you do? if you don't know
what would you like it to be?
LayneNugget - Hey, you gonna grow yer hair back out?
Spam - you wanna see the site? anybody?
RangerRudd - Must....push mouse in ....
ToxiC - If you do Alice songs on the tour, which ones would you do?...(
the "Jerry" ones like
HBY, Over Now, etc... )'re not doing "Layne" ones....unless Layne
is coming....that would rule.
Sean Kinney - marrra...I think they should legalize marajuana.
Sean Kinney - shannie...Yes.
LayneNugget - ...and dye it Purple!! Sean, you'd look so good qith
Purple hair!!!
Social Parasite - Getting tired of all the fines?
deke - what was your favoite album to make
shannie - Spam - we want to chat with Sean and then we willsee your
Hate to Feel - Hate
BAMA - I agree ToxiC, that would RULE!!
Nona Weisbaum - Ever think of going into acting?
shannie - I mean site
Hate to Feel - sorry, I didnt mean that
BoggyAlice - Are you going to surf in Hawaii??
Sean Kinney - toxic...Yeah, we'll probably play AIC songs - the ones he
sang and wrote. Layne
may show up.
martin andér - An amateur drummer dies and goes to heaven. While he is
waiting outside the
pearly gates, he hears some incredibly fast drumming coming from within
heaven. He immediately
recognizes the playing, and asks St. Peter if that really is Buddy Rich
playing drums in heaven. St.
Peter responds:
BAMA - SEAN--------Ever hear of a Birmingham band called Verbena?
They're great!
LayneNugget - Dammit hes ignoring me again
Hate to Feel - Hey Sean, whats your favorite movie?
marrra - Sean... Marrrrajuana... grrreat! Working on a receipt right
Social Parasite - Sean- Stupid question, but it will settle a bet : What
kind of cigarettes do you
Sabian - What was the ride i n "cut you in"
martin andér - St. Peter responds: "No, that's God. He just thinks that
he's Buddy Rich."
LayneNugget - Sean i thought you were my bud....
shannie - do you think you could bring Layne to Nashville?
shannie - do you think you could bring Layne to Nashville?
Sean Kinney - boggy...Been doin' it!
marrra - Sean... What would you be now if you weren't a musician -
drummer, that is!
shannie - does your monkey tour with you
discothyc - Sean,if alice ever did a whole album of covers what songs
would you like to do?
Besides stairway to heaven of course.
LayneNugget - I'm gettin depressed again here...
Sean Kinney - social...I don't smoke...cigarettes
sydie - Does layne like san diego? put in a good word so he'll show up
byby - Sean, what was your most challenging aic song to play?
Social Parasite - Yeah, I figured that...
Hate to Feel - Are you as good at playing darts as the Sony site claims?
marrra - Sean... Who would you like to swap lives with, having an
unlimited choice?
Spam - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:51pm PT)
Melting Mirror Smile - ok, my turn, How can you tell when the drum riser
is level?
LayneNugget - Club Layne over the head and drag him to Hartford CT!!!!
Sean Kinney - marrra...I'd be dead.
Melting Mirror Smile - Drool comes out of both sides of the drummer's
BAMA - What other bands do you listen to?
Spam - comp best not mess up again...
martin andér - MMS>> *lol* :-)
Sean Kinney - hate...Never saw that. I don't even play darts.
sydie - Sean- we've got good pot and waves in san diego- who needs
Hate to Feel - arrggh, I cant think of any good questions
marrra - Sean... Lucky for both sides (IMHO) that you're still alive!
Spam - sean, are you EVER serious?
Polly Rhythm - Who was your main influence (drummer-wsie) when you were
growing up?
Nona Weisbaum - Oh sure, tonight is the night I have computer
problems...damn I hate
technology...sort of.
BAMA - I hear Travis Meeks is a brat. Ever met him?
zamsky - Do you enjoy touring?
martin andér - "Hey buddy, how late does the band play ?"
Spam - sean>>ever thought of being a stand up comedian?
Sean Kinney - spam...No.
martin andér - "Oh, about a half beat behind the drummer."
marrra - Sean... Do you mind AIC music having been labelled depressive?
LayneNugget - I hate Bob Saget!!!
Sabian - I've had this day on my Carmen Electra calendar for 2 months
BAMA - Do you have to type for yourself
Sean Kinney - polly...Buddy Rich, Ginger Baker, John Bonham...everyone.
marrra - Sean... Your favorite track off the Boggy Depot album?
Sean Kinney - and throw a little Mitch Mitchell in there too.
LayneNugget - Hey, do you got that guy to type for you again???
Melting Mirror Smile - Martin, too funny...
Rock - nona you don't hate tech... then there wouldn't be rocklists...
Sabian - What do you think of Carter Beauford
Sean Kinney - bama...Who is Travis Meeks?
Spam - what question was that response to sean?
LayneNugget - I wish i had a guy to type for me
shannie - do you get tired of being asked questions about AIC?
BAMA - Travis Meeks is the lead vocalist for Days of the New
Melting Mirror Smile - Sean, when you die, how do you want to go?..
discothyc - Sean,you see nlike a re na nd stimpy type of guy.Do you like
RangerRudd - Dont forget the ranger...cant get this to work
right...gotta get my chain saw....
GotmeWrong - Sean,.How does having a sense of humor help in the music
marrra - Sean... Happy with the AIC remixes?
LayneNugget - So Sean, what do ya think of Merle Haggard????
ToxiC - Sean, did you ever write any sogs with AIC/Jerry that were based
off drum beats first and
then the rest was applied?
Spam - wait did anyone see my page? sorry to keep asking but my comp
messes up each time...
Sean Kinney - zamski...Yes I like touring.
Social Parasite - What you said about Days Of The New last chat was
funny. :)
Mel - logged on. - from 203.26 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0;
Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:55pm PT)
discothyc - Yes,my typing sucks!
byby - Please tell us about the composition of Frogs.
martin andér - I lady walks into a store and tell the man behind the
counter she would like some
musician brains. "Alright" he says, "What kind ?". "How much do they
cost ?" she asks. "Well, those
there are trumpeters at $5 a pound, those are french horns at $7 a
pound, and those are conductors'
at $10 a pound." He replies. "What are those way back there ?" she asks.
"Those are drummers
brains. They cost $100 a pound." He replies. "GOODNESS !", she exclaims,
"Why are they so
expensive ?" "Lady, do you realize how many drummers it takes to get a
pound of brains ?!?!".
sydie - Was it cool when you were on tour with masters of reality? Since
Ginger Baker is one of
your influences.
Nona Weisbaum - Ok I got a drummer joke too..."What were the drummer's
last words before
he got kicked out of the band?" "Hey, I got this new song I wrote..."
BAMA - What T.V. shows do you watch? Simpson's?
shannie - South Park?
Sean Kinney - gotmewrong...It makes it less painful while they f**ck you
in the ass.
Polly Rhythm -
ToxiC - Hey sean! Cut You In is on my local radio station right now!
LayneNugget - I think somethings wrong here...
Social Parasite - Ok, settle one more bet for me (if you can): What kind
of cigarrettes does Jerry
Sean Kinney - sydie...Yes, I love the Masters of Reality, they're one of
my favorite bands.
LayneNugget - This aint the real Sean!!! Its a man in drag!!!!
Nona Weisbaum - I'd tell some guitarist and bassist jokes but I don't
know any...
Hate to Feel - Are you going to sing a couple Metallica songs on the
tour Sean? I promise not to
boo you
BoggyAlice - If I send Al a CD can you autograph it for me???
shannie - Sean you do seem to have the best sense of humor
Melting Mirror Smile - Q: What's the best way to confuse a drummer?
Sean Kinney - bama...I don't watch any TV religiously.
discothyc - Yes,my typing sucks!
Rock - i don't get it nona, i'm pretty retarded
BAMA - Do you resent MTV for not playing real rock music?
Melting Mirror Smile - A: Put a sheet of music in front of him.
Spam - sean, did you ever hear that police song their drummer wrote
called "on any other day". it's
Sean Kinney - parasite...marlboro reds.
martin andér - From the Drummers Dictionary: "Accelerando, n.; drum
fill, solo"
RangerRudd - Hear from Niko lately?
Social Parasite - Thanks Sean, you da man.
Nona Weisbaum - Layne...the man in drag is Jerry ;o)
marrra - Sean...Have you heard Scott Weiland's new album? Remarks?
Sean Kinney - boggy...Yeah, I will.
Sean Kinney - bama...I don't watch MTV.
GotmeWrong - Sean, Matt Cameron had some harsh words to say about AIC
when it came to
the relationship between AIC and Soundgarden, claiming that Soundgarden
could both beat AIC
musically, and physically. What is your view?
Hate to Feel - Hey Nona, did you ever get published?
LayneNugget - Sean you lucked out tonight, i cant think of stuff to
bother you with.
BAMA - You can tell I'm a dedicated fan because I'm under a tornado
warning right now.
Mel - logged off. - from 203.26 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0;
Windows 95) on Wed May 6 6:59pm PT)
Spam - sean what do you think of soundgarden?
Sean Kinney - spam...Yes, I'm a big Police fan.
Sean Kinney - marrra...No.
shannie - So do you prefer Nintendo or sony playstation
Sean Kinney - marrra...Is it good? Worth getting?
BAMA - Do you think rock was better in the 70's than the 90's?
discothyc - Seam,what did you think of the screeming trees last album?
Sean Kinney - bama...Where do you live?
BAMA - I live just north of Birmingham
marrra - Sean... Listening to it right now... Well, listen to it first.
It's pretty varied!
Sean Kinney - shannie...I like them both - have them both.
LayneNugget - Sean, would you rick your life to save mine?
Sean Kinney - bama...yes\
GotmeWrong - Sean..What do you think to date, the best piece of music
you've helped to write?
Melting Mirror Smile - Sean, what do you think about the little drummer
boy from Hanson?..
Sean Kinney - bama...yes
Spam - isnt that a great song? "my wife has burned the scrambled
eggs...the dog has bit my leg..."
shannie - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6
7:01pm PT)
Nona Weisbaum -, but the experience was great, honey ;o)
BoggyAlice - Layne... let's give your question a tryout....
Sean Kinney - layne...Yes I would RICK my life to save you.
Hate to Feel - do you find it obsessive when fans know you or someone
elses middle name?
LayneNugget - Sean, have you ever seen the "AIC ate my balls" page?
shannie - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6
7:02pm PT)
byby - Sean, if a drumstick falls in the forest and there's nobody there
to hear it, does it make a
shannie - regular Nintendo or Nintendo64
LayneNugget - HA!! I meant Risk, but im assumeing you knew that...
zamsky - What is the one question that you are sick of?
Natsuki - logged on. - from 139.182 using Mozilla/4.04 (Macintosh; U;
PPC, Nav) on Wed May 6 7:03pm PT)
BAMA - Do you have a stereo system in your ride? If so what brand of
LayneNugget - SEW EYE KANT SPEL, SOO ME!!!
martin andér - LayneNugget>> may i add that i'm the maintainer of
mentioned site... (did you
like it? :-)
Rock - sean, hat's your favorite song off boggy depot?
Sean Kinney - shannie...Nintendo 64
Hate to Feel - hey Kris, it looks like Weds isnt going to be on..should
we say her haiku for her?
Sean Kinney - layne...No, I've never seen the AIC ate my balls page.
marrra - Sean...What do you think about all drummers based project?
Would you go for it?
Sabian - logged on. - from 206.151 using Mozilla/3.04 (Win16; I) on Wed
May 6 7:03pm PT)
LayneNugget - Kris is here?!??!
Natsuki - Hi, Sean.
LayneNugget - You should see it Sean, i cried when i first checked it
shannie - favorite game? have you played 1080?
RangerRudd - TirpPlay/Gameday98/bowling!!! very nice..
Sabian - My computer cut off but now I'm back
Sean Kinney - marrra...Definately - yes.
zamsky - Wh
martin andér - sean>> the "aic ate my balls" page is at:
Hate to Feel - yeah kirk
sydie - Sean, please tell me of some cool places in seattle to check out
when I go there. i heard the
central Tavern is cool.
LayneNugget - Heres a good one for ya...Do you hate Marcy Playground as
much as i do?!??!?
zamsky - oops
martin andér - hmm... that would be
Sabian - Do you lift weights, run or do any other things to keep in
shape while you are on tour?
Sean Kinney - sydie...The Central Tavern used to be cool but now it's
not. Just go to Pioneer
Hate to Feel - Do you like Pink Floyd Sean?
Nona Weisbaum - Oh! I didn't know it was you er...Megan (heh) Yeah, I
think Sean should
hear his haiku.
BoggyAlice - I think Sean arm wrestles Al to keep in shape...
ToxiC - sean, did you ever mess up drumming in a concert?
Sean Kinney - sabian...I masturbate 5 times a day.
byby - Sean, do you own a computer?
Sean Kinney - hate...Love the Floyd.
LayneNugget - You should do a show with Howard Stern
BAMA - Would you rather do an interview with a fanzine or a real
byby - If so, do you ever turn it on? How so?
Sabian - Just the answer I was looking too
Spam - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 7:06pm PT)
Hate to Feel - sorry for all the stupid questions, I cant think of
anything creative
LayneNugget - WOAH!! 5 times a day?!??!?! Go Seanie!!
ToxiC - 1080 rocks
Sean Kinney - byby...Yes, but don't turn it on much
shannie - thinking about me again, Sean?
Polly Rhythm - Are there any other drummers in here???
marrra - Sean...Your bet on the longevity of the *electronica* thing?
Sean Kinney - bama...Neither
GotmeWrong - When you're in New England? what clubs do you think are
pretty cool?
Spam - sean, do you believe computers are inherently evil?? i sure do
Sabian - Where was you favorite venue that you have ever played in
Hate to Feel - any plans for releasing the X rated Nona Tapes?
shannie - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6
7:07pm PT)
byby - Will you and Jerry be playing some smaller venues while you're on
LayneNugget - Ok then, do you hate Bob Saget as much as i do?!?
Social Parasite - Hey Sean, if you do play some AIC material on the
tour, you should do some
of the old, bootleg only stuff. Can you remember any of it?
Natsuki - Have you ever tried any musical instruments besides drumms?
marrra - Sean...How do you feel doing this chat? Any WISH q's?
byby - Have you ever had sex with more than one woman at a time?
BAMA - Electronica sucks. Do you consider them musicians?
Sean Kinney - marrra...I will just say that I've already lived through
the disco craze - it's disco
shannie - toxic - i think it is a blast to play
BAMA - Electronica sucks. Do you consider them musicians?
Sean Kinney - marrra...I will just say that I've already lived through
the disco craze - it's disco
Nona Weisbaum - Ladies and Gentleman..the haiku you've all been waiting
for...written by our
good friend Wednesday...
Rock - sean, what bands or musicians inspired you when you were making
music with aic?
B1ister - hehe... play Queen of the Rodeo!
shannie - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6
7:09pm PT)
byby - Drummers are supposed to be the most sexually active members of
any band. Is that true?
Sean Kinney - sabian...Red Rocks.
marrra - Sean...How many bulbs does it take to change a drummer?
LayneNugget - ok then....
Sean Kinney - layne...Yes, he should be killed.
BoggyAlice - What are you going to do tonight after you're done with
this chat??? Have you been
to those Korean bars in Hawaii yet?
Spam - sean cant wait to see you live...what songs do you think youll
most likely play?
LayneNugget - Do you hate it when people ignore you as much as i do?!?!
discothyc - Sean,ever think of entering the porn industry as Ron
Jeremy's understudy?
BAMA - What are some of your favorite bands that we probably haven't
heard of.
Hate to Feel - Sean, this is a Haiku my dear friend Lauren wrote for
you, unfortunatly she isnt
here tonight to be able to share it personally
Sabian - Did you like palying in D.C or surrounding areas?
marrra - Sean...Is there a song to make feel you dancing in public?
LayneNugget - ah, ok, i take thatlast one back
Rock - sean what do you think of puff daddy stealing music from one of
your favorite bands
Nona Weisbaum - This doesn't have a toele yet...but here it goes: "Drum,
Sean, Drum....Do
your groove thing on those drums...Man, you have nice arms" ~Wednesday
(and she's gonna kill me)
Sean Kinney - spam...Most of Jerry's album and a few AIC songs that
Jerry sang/wrote.
sydie - any chance of seeing you, jerry, layne or mike starr in pioneer
ToxiC - Sean, this is a really tough Q, and try not to answer Stairway
to Heaven :)...but What AIC
song do you like the most, for whatever reason?....( even I can't pick a
favorite though ...)
Hate to Feel - Drum Sean Kinney, Drum...Do Your Groove Thing On The
Drums...Man You've
Got Nice Arms
Sean Kinney - boggy...I'm going to the Monkey Bar in Pearl Harbor.
Spam - sean, what two songs on boggy did you NOT play on?
LayneNugget - Sean, does it drive you nuts when people repeatedly type
Hate to Feel - Umm, sorry for saying it twice, I didnt know Kris said it
Sean Kinney - disco...Yes, I'm working on growing too much chest hair
and getting fat.
shannie - sydie - what about Mike Inez?
BAMA - Do rock bands view the south as country music territory? Among
young people where I
live, Country sucks.
Sean Kinney - toxic...I like them all equally.
LayneNugget - Dont get fat!!!!
Sean Kinney - spam...I played on all of them.
LayneNugget - AGH!!1 its thundering!!!
Spam - thats cool sean...maybe ill FINALLY be able to hear DOWN IN A
HOLE live (not
including unplugged)
marrra - Sean...A bassist you'd pay to play with?
sydie - shannie- I have always been a mike starr fan...i'm still bitter
BoggyAlice - <<<
byby - Sean, what was your most challenging live performance? Why?
Spam - oh cool, i heard there were two songs that didnt have drums at
all...thats cool though
Sean Kinney - shannie...Mike might go on tour with us but we don't know
shannie - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.02; Update a; AK; AOL 4.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6
7:13pm PT)
LayneNugget - Thanks Bog!
ToxiC - good question span!...why does it always say 10/12 trax anyway?
BAMA - Do you like "commercially popular" bands like 3rd Eye Blind? I
Sean Kinney - byby...Birth because my head was too big.
GotmeWrong - What is the best method of growing too much chest hair, and
getting fat?
shannie - Sean - so at some point the whole band who was Alice, may e
together again?
Nona Weisbaum - Megan...we gotta stop being Psychic Friends or
something...our vibes are
Sabian - It's after 10 and I have to study for my 8:00 exam tomorrow
LayneNugget - Hey!! Did you have fun at the "Dont call us, we'll call
you" show???
byby - Guess you haven't changed much since birth, huh?
LayneNugget - Whats it like playin with Metallica?
Spam - any chance of you guys coming to my house and doing a show just
for me just cuz you have
a strange impulse???
Sean Kinney - bama...I can't tell them apart. Hootie, 3rd Eye, Matchbox
all sound the same to
shannie - Sabian - you are still taking exams? have been done for a
week. wha university do you
go to?
Hate to Feel - yeah...stop thinking what Im thinking!!
zamsky - In that case, what do you think about the groups that try to
copy AIC?
martin andér - Sabian>> well, i'm in sweden, and it's 4:18 am here...
LayneNugget - Are you friends with Pep Keenan?
marrra - Any plans to come to tour Europe?
Sean Kinney - layne...Yeah, it was great. Speaking of Faith No More Jim
Martin was there.
Spam - do you believe in heaven?
Melting Mirror Smile - What would you be if you weren't a drummer?..
Social Parasite - Talking with Sean is worth screwing up an exam...
Sabian - shannie....I go to a community college in Va
LayneNugget - HOOTIE?!?!? Alright!
Sean Kinney - spam...Yeah, we already booked a tour. We're playing a
sydie - do you wear boxers or soloilage????
discothyc - When you guys come to Darian lake( right outside Buffalo
n.y.) make sure you guys
go into the city and hit chippawah st. Tons of good bars there.
Hate to Feel - I thought Hootie and the Blowfish and Matchbox 20 sounded
ALOT alike, and my
friend called me crazy, im glad to know im not the only crazy one
Polly Rhythm - Sean, did you ever take drum lessons?....
Spam - cant agree with you more about 3rd eye etc.
Rock - hey sean what do you think should be done in order for it to go
back to the way it was in
the early ninetees and late eightees?
GotmeWrong - Sean...What clubs in New England do you like?
ToxiC - are you friends with other Seattleites like Dave Grohl, or Eddie
Vedder?...or "the late"
Kurt C.?
Sean Kinney - zamsky...It's strange, flattering but weird - the band
opening for us w/ Metallica is
probably the best at it.
LayneNugget - Sean, do you love me as much as I love you?
shannie - Sean - where is your favorite place to tour?
Spam - yes, I KNEW IT!!! you rock!!
zamsky - I agree
Social Parasite - Hey Sean, aren't you a little concerned about how
bands generally get treated
when they open for Metallica? (Usually it's not the warmest welcome)
BAMA - Do you listen to AIC in you're car, or do you stick to "Stairway
to Heaven"?
Nona Weisbaum - you think Alice In Chains will ever release a
rarities album? Like
the early songs and demos?
Sean Kinney - polly...Yes, I took them when I was a spud of about 9
years and learned my
byby - Man in the Box Set: Truth or Fiction?
martin andér - Rock>> just make sure to sell more spandex...
LayneNugget - I think my computer just broke...
Social Parasite - Yeah, I'd like to hear some old demos that never got
shannie - Sean - do you play any other instruments?
LayneNugget - I hate these dumb things.
BAMA - Are there any unreleased AIC songs?
Spam - who do you think is the band who influenced you most as a kid? i
mean like aic influences
all of us...emotionally
Sean Kinney - toxic...Knew them all. Dave moved to LA.
Hate to Feel - ack! Better fix it Kirkie
B1ister - Sean - any chance you and Jerry will play any shows in the UK
this August?
BoggyAlice - LAYNE <<
Spam - get some boots like chained to the studio or heroin
Rock - what does that mean martin?
Sean Kinney - social...Not worried at all.
LayneNugget - I got a good one...Have you ever had intimate relations
with any of the band
Hate to Feel - What's more evil, calculus or satan?
Sabian - Everyone say "Hi" to my mom, she is reading this with me
martin andér - Rock>> what does what mean?
Social Parasite - Sean, I'm glad to hear you
Spam - heroin's got better sound quality, but ctts has more rare songs
BoggyAlice - Sean... Matt talked about racing his motorcycle with Al. Do
you own one, and do
you race with those guys??? Who wins??? Dies???
Sean Kinney - byby...The record company is trying to get us to do
something like that.
LayneNugget - I wasnt licking the screen!!!
BoggyAlice - Hi MOM!
BAMA - Hi Sabian's mom!
martin andér - Sabian>> hi mom!
BoggyAlice - Hi Mrs. Sabian!
zamsky - Do you think musicians or artists in general have to have big
egos? If so, how do you
keep that from killing a group?
shannie - hi
Sean Kinney - hate...calculus
byby - I take it you don't want to (re: Man in the Box Set)?
shannie - Sean - what are you doing for your mom on mother's day
Spam - you like Bad Religion?? their new album came out
Sean Kinney - sabian...Hi, Mom.
ToxiC - what did you do when Kurt Cobain died?...just out of curiosity.
Rock - martin---about selling spandex?
Sabian - She said....."That's cute" ALL made her day
LayneNugget - I think that last question was a little insulting...
Sean Kinney - boggy...Yes I own some motorcycles but I have not raced
with those fellers yet - I
would whoop them severly.
LayneNugget - theres no shame in being gay you know...
BAMA - How did Chains keep from breaking up unlike the brief break-up of
Sabian - Including Sean Kinney
Polly Rhythm - lol... happy mother's day sabian's MOM!
Social Parasite - Sean, I'm glad to hear you're comfortable with opening
for Metallica. You guys
deserve a good, appreciative audience.
martin andér - Rock>> it's easy: sell more spandex, and people will
start posing and playing
glam again... :-)
Sean Kinney - toxic...Cried.
shannie - I have never been on a motorcycle. I hear it is quite an
Sabian - Hey, Polly you are jumping the beat me to it
Hate to Feel - Who is the best dressed rocker today?
BAMA - How does Jerry keep coming up with Kick-Ass lyrics?
Rock - oh good point
Sean Kinney - hate...Al is the best dressed rocker.
LayneNugget - Seanie Seanie Seanie, i made you out of clay...
shannie - my best friend painted a portrait of Kurt (Van Gogh style) It
hangs on my wall.
Natsuki - Are there any chances you and Jerry will play some shows in
Rock - what do you think is gonna happen to alice in chains???
GotmeWrong - Sean...Why do the members of Soundgarden and AIC not like
each other?
ToxiC - sean, did you see the May Guitar issue with Jerry on the front?
LayneNugget - i think layne is the best dressed rocker
discothyc - on the nona tapes we see a board with the song toeles on
it,is there really a song
named piss shivers?
Spam - sean...are you a pessimist or an optimist?
marrra - Sean, you heard the new Page & Plant record?
LayneNugget - or Jerry when you guys were at Action Park
Sean Kinney - natsuki...Yes, most likely.
Sabian - Kurt is dead, let us all remember that suicide is DUMB
BAMA - Do you listen to other Seattle bands?
shannie - i guess an optimist
LayneNugget - Sean, you looked great in swimmies!!!
ToxiC - ...and are you going to be on the cover of any magazines?....(
you never know... )
Sean Kinney - gotmewrong...It was all a joke. Just teasing each other.
Hate to Feel - If you were trapped on a desert Island with only 3 Cds to
listen to, what would
they be?
shannie - was it suicide?
Natsuki - Really?
Sean Kinney - disco...There was a song called "Piss Shivers" but it was
never released.
Sean Kinney - spam...I'm a botonist.
LayneNugget - i think Seans ignoring me because hes figured out that im
inherently evil
Nona Weisbaum - Due to this retarded computer, Im gonna have to leave.
See ya Sean! Rock
sydie - Sean- do you still pick someone out of the audience to play a
drum solo. pick me and i'll try
to play you a mean version of angry chair!!!!! even though i've never
played before...
Spam - my friend's friend committed suicide 2 days ago
marrra - What makes a great drummer? Hard work, talent or just destiny?
discothyc - Great toele for a song though
Sabian - Bye, Nona
Hate to Feel - im sorry Spam
Dickhead - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 95) on Wed May 6 7:26pm PT)
Social Parasite - Piss Shivers? That rules! :) Any other strange ones
that we should know about?
Hate to Feel - bye Kris!
MetAic - logged on. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE
3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 3.1) on Wed May 6 7:26pm PT)
BAMA - What is your favorite Pearl Jam song?
zamsky - How come you never answer serious questions? :-)
martin andér - marrra>> god makes good drummers.
Spam - oh thats ok yeh im sorry for her too...but i didnt know the
LayneNugget - have you ever considered singing on future aic songs?
byby - Who is your favorite internet personality?
Sean Kinney - zamsky...Nobody ever asks any.
Polly Rhythm - He's answered ALL of MY "serious" questions!
LayneNugget - ett
discothyc - i think there was one called pharoph's funk or something
like that as well.
byby - Serious Question: What was your most challenging aic song to
Social Parasite - Yeah, he's answered my dumb questions too.
marrra - - Martin>>becoming religious...
Spam - oh yeh piss shivers was on the nona tapes
LayneNugget - agh, whats wrong with my computer?!?!?
MetAic - Do you know if the whole aic is going to open up for
metallica?if so, witch ones
byby - Serious Question: Please tell us about the composition of Frogs?
Sean Kinney - byby...Pam & Tommy Lee
shannie - do you believe in God?
martin andér - seam>> are you and mike really "funksters"?
martin andér - shannie>> sean believes in Dog.
shannie - Sean - have you seen the Pam videos?
Sean Kinney - shannie...I believe in Dog.
Sabian - I have to study for exams , have to study for exams.......don't
want to study.....want to
talk to Sean
Nona Weisbaum - logged off. - from 152.163 using Mozilla/2.0
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6 7:29pm PT)
GotmeWrong - Sean...What do you think is the best piece of music you
have written to this
LayneNugget - Hey! whats goin on Rob?!?
Hate to Feel - if AIC could stand for anything besides Alice in Chains,
what would it stand for?
shannie - i remember now.
martin andér - marrra>> not really...
Rock - sean are you and jerry gonna make another album???
Sean Kinney - shannie...I filmed it.
martin andér - shannie>> see, i predicted it... :-)
Sean Kinney - gotmewrong...Stairway to Heaven
byby - Now THAT's funny!
byby - Can I be as My Dog Am?
discothyc - Was that filming part of your pron training with Ron?
marrra - Sean with a blonde wig...?
BAMA - What's your 2nd favorite Zeppellen song?
Spam - ohmygod...the truth uncovered...Sean Kinney IS robert plant
LayneNugget - AGH whats happeneing here!?!?!
GotmeWrong - Sean..What's the one thing people should know about the
music industry before
wanting to get into the business?
shannie - so is that when you started to masturbate 5 times daily
Hate to Feel - Did you have a deal with Led would write
Stairway to Heaven for
them if they wrote, say, Down In A Hole for you guys?
sydie - sean- are you really typing this, or are you just "combing your
LayneNugget - sean, you never answered me about dying yer hair purple. i
seriously think you
should go for it!!
Sean Kinney - I gotta' go watch the Sonics game on the beach in my thong
speedo drinking a chi
chi. Would love to stay but I promise to come back and do this again.
Hate to Feel - you ok kirk?
BAMA - Are there any good-looking groupies?
Sabian - I must be going...It was a pleasure to talk to you Sean I
waited for 2 months.. I just got
Netscape bak on my computer last night for this. (my mom erased it)
Moderator - Hi this is Al at Boom Theory again. Thanks to Sean for
taking the time for linking up
to us. We're all off to watch the SONICS kick the SH*T out of LA!
martin andér - sean>> just promise to do some serious posing!
shannie - bye Sean. see you in Nashville!
BAMA - Don't worry, the Sonics will win
Social Parasite - Sean, you rule!!
Natsuki - Thank you Sean! Love you!
Spam - i love to sing the swing on this bassline when a conversation's
over my head
byby - Thank You!
Moderator - Until Next time, Goodnight, and we'll see you with Jason
Finn next week!
Hate to Feel - darng it, right when I was about ot ask a really good ?
zamsky - thanks Sean
Sean Kinney - Thanks everybody!